Edi Gathegi Talks Darwin

Could you talk about the character of Darwin, from a dispositional angle?
My character’s mutant ability is reactive adaptation. For instance if I fall from a building my bones turn to rubber. Or if the lights go out I have perfect vision in the pitch black. Or if I happen to get catapulted into outer space, my body no longer requires oxygen. That sort of thing. And the list is as extensive as the need to survive.
You passed from a "franchise" as Twilight to another one, even more famous, as X-Men. What's your impression about it?
Well those who know me know that I was a major X-Men fan as a youth. I'd wake up every Saturday morning with my bowl of cereal glued to the tv screen enjoying my favorite comic brought to life as a cartoon. So you can imagine my sense of joy when I was asked to be apart of the live action version. Really it’s just living out a childhood dream. Not to mention it’s a super cool movie.
Is there any difference between the movie character of Darwin and that one we knew in the comics?
You'll just have to wait and see.
Did you make massive use of visual effects and CGI as far as Darwin's powers?
And what about his make-up? Is it on the same level as the make-up of characters like Mystique and the Beast or pretty less?
Darwin is more or less a regular guy. And by that I mean he isn't painted blue or anything. So visual effects are specifically relegated to my use of powers not for my overall look. Makeup was virtually non-existent.
Which are the main differences for you about the story's tone, the characters portrait, etc., by comparing this movie to the previous X-Men trilogy and the other prequel about Wolverine?
You trying to get me killed? Let's just say I think the fans have been waiting for this film even if they don't know it yet. It’s being handled well by the creative powers that be. For instance it’s a dope script. And Vaughn is not a joke - he got game. And McAvoy ... He's on some next level acting. He's a beast. No pun intended.
How has been working with director Matthew Vaughn? What was your impression during the production?
Up against the ropes time wise Vaughn had his work cut out for him. But he knows what he wants. He has a good eye. And he's got a very interesting competitive spirit. I don't think he would even allow himself to not make a great movie. And personally, he is a hilarious guy. I like him.
What can you say about the other members of the cast?
Great cast all the way around. Lucinda, Zoe, Roger and Jeremy did a fantastic job casting this project. Kudos to them. And I'm probably the most excited to see Kevin Bacon in action. He's really cool in this film. Really cool.
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